News roundup: reviews, festivals and follow us on Facebook

1 May

snowbound-for-blogReviewers have been busy with Cari Hunter‘s books. Terry Baker reviewed the new thriller-romance Desolation Point. This is what she had to say: “I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It is an extremely well written, page turning adventure romance. I simply couldn’t put this book down and read well into the night. The suspense and tension along with several OMG moments had my heart racing and left me breathless.” You can read the rest of the review here.

Hannah has also reviewed Cari’s first book Snowbound, another gripping romance set in a wintery Peak District. “Whether it is the author’s exceptional writing talent, the fact that we have had an uncommonly snowy winter, or a combination of both, but when I started reading Snowbound by Cari Hunter I was immediately drawn into the atmosphere and the plot.” Read the rest of the review here.

TrumpetC-Spot Reviews covered the audio version of Jackie Kay‘s Trumpet. The novel centres on Joss Moody, a famous jazz man, who was discovered to be a woman on his death. He left behind a widow, Millie, and a son who had only known Joss as a man and his father. The award-winning novel has long been critically acclaimed and this is what C-spot had to say of the audio version: “Jackie Kay’s writing is just wonderful. She gives each character a voice that feels strong and true and my emotions went in so many different directions that I feel raw having spent about four hours with the story today. I chose to experience Trumpet by listening to the unabridged audio book and I highly recommend it. The narrator, Cathleen McCarron, brought so much to the story that I couldn’t imagine feeling the same level of emotion if I had read the words on the page.” The rest of the review is available here.

There are two new events for your diary. The McGal Festival will be held in Dunfermline at the end of August. The Scottish festival aims to celebrate lesbian culture and have a safe and friendly environment for LGBT women and their queer-postive friends and family. As well as music, comedy, a pole-dancing workshop, films and speed-dating, the festival features a reading and a “ways into writing workshop” by VG Lee.

booqfest_2013_500pxVG will also be appearing at Booqfest as will Crin Claxton and Lesley Davis. Crin and Lesley will be discussing the mysteries behind their specialist genre – fantasy – and VG will be reading an excerpt from her play The Lady of the Wild West Hill (for the Brighton Fringe in May) and taking part in a panel discussion with other playwrights. Booqfest is Northampton’s free gay & lesbian literary festival and takes place 13-15 September.

Gill McKnight has also been making promises about the BSB Nottingham Meet that might not be entirely true. Here’s her blog post “Lose 43 pounds of fat just by attending the 4th BSB UK event!” which also has some factual information about this fab and free event.

Finally, you can now follow UKLesFic on Facebook. We have a shiny new page you can like here.

2 Responses to “News roundup: reviews, festivals and follow us on Facebook”

  1. Hannah May 1, 2013 at 1:18 pm #

    Thank you for the link to my blog!


  1. Link Round Up: April 30 – May 8 | The Lesbrary - May 8, 2013

    […] Lesbian Fiction posted about several UK queer lit festivals and Special Feature: 4th Annual Bold Strokes Book UK Festival, by Victoria […]

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